Memory leak cleanup
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Fergus Deffely
2005-03-02 09:54:31 UTC
We've been having an argument in the office about when exactly leaked
memory is returned to the system.
I believe Windows 2000/XP cleans up the memory when the "leaky"
application exits, however I seem to remember that in Win95/98 a
reboot is necessary before the leaked memory is recovered.
Anyone know for certain?

Stephen Kellett
2005-03-02 10:56:35 UTC
Post by Fergus Deffely
We've been having an argument in the office about when exactly leaked
memory is returned to the system.
I believe Windows 2000/XP cleans up the memory when the "leaky"
application exits, however I seem to remember that in Win95/98 a
reboot is necessary before the leaked memory is recovered.
Anyone know for certain?
Correct for Windows NT and above. For Win9x I have no idea (although I'd
imagine the same, except that for handle related resources, you may be
out of luck).
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk
RSI Information: http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk/rsi.html
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